Resultados de búsqueda zoom

Barras de herramientas

Navegador para escritorio / Apariencia y personalización

En Vivaldi se pueden personalizar tanto la ubicación, como el aspecto de las Barras de herramientas. El Zoom de la interfaz de usuario te permite cambiar el tamaño de las Barras de herramientas. La posición de la Barra de direcciones y la Barra de marcadores en la interfaz de usuario también se puede personalizar, configurando […]

Barra de estado

Navegador para escritorio / Apariencia y personalización

La Barra de estado de Vivaldi se encuentra en la parte inferior de la ventana de Vivaldi, y gracias a ella podrás: Mostrar u ocultar el Panel: en el extremo izquierdo de la barra de estado. Activa/desactiva el modo pausa. Acceder de forma directa a las opciones de configuración de Sync mediante el icono de […]

Paneles web

Navegador para escritorio / Paneles

Los paneles web son pestañas personalizables que te permiten mantener tus sitios favoritos a mano, en el panel lateral de Vivaldi. Al abrir un panel web podrás ver simultáneamente su contenido y el de la pestaña de tu ventana principal. Agregar un nuevo panel web Desde el panel Abre la barra de paneles, ya sea […]

zoom issue

Vivaldi for Windows

if i zoom one tab, it zooms all simultaneously. please fix, when will you fix.

Por kunarmodi

Smooth zooming

Vivaldi for Windows

This is a minor thing, but I was wondering if I have to enable a specific setting for zooming with touchpad gestures on Vivaldi to be as smooth as chromium or Firefox, or if that isn't available. Thanks in advance!

Por vivaldinoob2020

Problem with zooming


When zooming in or out and there is an iframe with a pdf file, zooming works in it and not on the full page. Mouse pointing is always outside the iframe and I see this bug in Vivaldi only. At the end when I change at another link inside the same website zoom goes to [...]

Por Interdomisi

Zoom Recommendation


I recently started a switch from Firefox to VIvaldi and one feature i would like is that the browser to remembers my zoom standards for websites i've visited in past sessions. I know we have several zoom features such as changing the UI size, the Ctrl, and changing the zoom for all current and tabs, [...]

Por GiantHunter

Window Zoom

Vivaldi for macOS

Hi, Since recently, Hubspot fails to pickup the correct window size and displays a screen that is larger than the display can show. This has never been a problem before.

Por MK35627

Remember the page zoom

Vivaldi for Linux

I remember that Vivaldi can remember the page zoom ratio of each page (or domain) individually. Why can't I find it now?

Por Aaron

Page Zoom Control

Vivaldi for Windows

The zoom slider control, located in the lower right of the screen, is often not visible when a web page is showing. I scroll down as far as I can go, but it's not there. This is a major issue for me, and is one reason I had uninstalled Vivaldi in the past. I just [...]

Por edsap44

Tab Zoom is not remembered


"Use tab Zoom" is checked When I set a custom tab zoom, close the tab, open a new one and come back the the same website, the zoom is at 100% (default) and not the custom zoom I set earlier. Tested on:, Vivaldi 6.5.3206.57 (Stable channel) (64-bit) Revision 8bd7a4b7f3e3dfa8e4124615a1319c1e7612a28d OS Linux JavaScript V8 [...]

Por sirber83

Samsung DeX zoom

Vivaldi for Android

Samsung s23u OneUI6, Vivaldi Browser 6.4.3171.103, zoom 90%

Por atrost