Import and Export Feeds

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Import feeds

Vivaldi Feeds Reader supports import of any RSS, Atom, or unlabelled feed types from an OPML file, which makes it possible for you to export your feeds from your current feed reader to Vivaldi. The following instructions are based on Thunderbird, which means the first 3 steps may differ, if you use a different feed reader, but the rest are the same.

Import feeds from Thunderbird

  1. In Thunderbird, go to the feeds group and right click on it;
  2. Select Subscribe;
  3. In a popup window click on the Export button;
  4. Save the file on your computer. It is then saved as an OPML file (feeds.opml for example);
  5. In Vivaldi, go to the Vivaldi menu button Vivaldi menu > File > Import from Applications or Files.
  6. From the dialog’s drop down menu select Import Feeds (OPML file).
  7. Click Choose a File and find the OPML file.
  8. Review the feeds’ names, links and update frequency.
  9. Click Add Feeds.

Import feeds from a website

In case someone has shared the set of feeds they follow on their website and they serve it as an OPML file, you can add those feeds to Vivaldi in just a few steps. To do that:

  1. Go to the website that serves the OPML file and open it.
  2. A page with all the feeds listed and an option to select all or some of them will open. Make your selection.
  3. Click Subscribe to selected feeds.
  4. Review the feeds’ names, links and update frequency.
  5. Click Add Feeds.

Export feeds from Vivaldi

In addition to importing feeds from other feed readers, you can also export the feeds you follow in Vivaldi as an OPML file.

To export feeds:

  • Go to the Vivaldi menu > File > Export > Export Feeds.
  • Select the destination folder.
  • Click Save.