Результати пошуку: cookies
Стаціонарний браузер / Вирішення проблем та повідомлення про помилки
Коли ви стикаєтеся з проблемою і намагаєтеся визначити, чи можете ви її виправити самостійно, або потрібно повідомити про помилку, дотримуйтесь інструкцій, наведених нижче. Пам’ятайте, що в багатьох випадках важливо перезавантажити сторінку, щоб будь-які зміни набрали чинності. Перезапустіть браузер Інколи навіть найпростіші дії допомагають. Спробуйте перезапустити браузер і, можливо, проблема зникне. Якщо ви довго не перезапускали […]
When blocking a cookie using this dialog box, the blocked cookie doesn't move over onto the "Blocked" tab, and I can't find any other way of unblocking it through settings. I've inadvertently blocked a cookie from a website that I really need to use, and can't unblock it, making the site unusable!
is there a way to block only certain cookies from deletion? i want to keep only some cookies after restart, like ebay, so i dont have to login everytime after i closed vivaldi..
Facebook blocks my account because they claim that I login "from a browser, device or location [I] don't usually use". That's not true. I think they say that because I recently deleted my cookies. To gain my access back I need to loging from another device that I used in the past to login. I [...]
Cookies in incognito are saved
After last update if I open a page in an incognito windows, the cookies (of the websites opened in incognito) are saved into not-incognito vivaldi, that wasn't like that before.
Ever since the 5.1 update I'm unable to edit cookies in the developer console. The field turns red but the value just stays what it was when reloading it. EDIT: After searching more this seems to be a chrome 98 issue that recently popped up.
How to delete individual cookies
It seems to me that I used to be able to delete individual cookies by displaying a list of all my stored cookies. How do I do that?
cf_clearance cookies cannot be removed
Some domains send cf_clearance cookies (which seem to be related to Cloudflare) which cannot be removed by Vivaldi. Why not?
Some Cookies cannot be manually deleted.
I regularly delete cookies from Vivaldi using the Settings / Privacy and Security / Cookies / Saved Cookies interface. Up until recently, I had no problems doing so, but in the last few days I have noticed that there are some cookies that cannot be individually deleted. Clicking on the delete (x) button, or the [...]
Hi! I was tipped off on Twitter that not all cookies are always deleted in Vivaldi. Here I tested on a macOS in a fresh profile. In a first tab, go to vivaldi://settings/siteData and make sure there are no saved cookies. In a second tab, open cnn.com Reload the first tab (settings) to see all [...]