Resultados da pesquisa: cookies
Rastreador e bloqueador de anúncios
Navegador para Android / Privacidade e segurança
Além de o Vivaldi não o/a rastrear, protegemos de rastreios na web e damos-lhe a opção de bloquear anúncios. Bloqueador de rastreios O bloqueador de rastreios impede que rastreadores omnipresentes o/a sigam pela internet e recolham dados pessoais sobre si. Quando a funcionalidade está ativada, os rastreadores são bloqueados com base em listas de URLs […]
Definições de privacidade e segurança
Navegador para computador / Privacidade e segurança
As definições de privacidade do Vivaldi dão-lhe controlo para salvaguardar os seus dados privados. PBy dor norma, cada definição vem ativada ou desativada baseada no que acreditamos ser no melhor interesse dos nosso utilizadores mas, claro, tem a opção de trocar cada opção em Definições > Privacidade e segurança. Proteção da Google contra phishing e […]
Diagnóstico de problemas no Android
Navegador para Android / Diagnóstico e reporte de problemas
Quando encontrar um problema e estiver a tentar determinar se o pode resolver por si ou se precisa de reportar o problema, siga os passos abaixo. Lembre-se que, em muitos casos, é importante recarregar a página para que quaisquer alterações tenham efeito. Reiniciar a aplicação Às vezes são as coisas mais simples que ajudam, por […]
Bloqueio de rastreios e anúncios
Navegador para computador / Privacidade e segurança
Para além de não o/a rastrear, o Vivaldi pode proteger a sua experiência de navegação de rastreadores e de anúncios. Bloqueador de rastreios O bloqueador de rastreios impede que rastreadores omnipresentes o/a sigam pela internet e recolham dados pessoais sobre si. Quando a funcionalidade está ativada, os rastreadores são bloqueados com base em listas de […]
Will someone help me retain some site cookies while using the "delete all cookies" setting? Thanks
I've been using Vivaldi for a few years now, so I know my way around it. When I started Vivaldi this morning I found that my cookies are gone, and as a consequence, I'm logged out of my web applications, like Gmail, Twitter, Instagram... It's similar to what was posted last year in: History, [...]
Some cookies can't be accepted
Check this link: No way to accept some cookies...
One way to display cookies is vivaldi://settings/privacy/ and selecting the "Show Saved Cookies" button. For me, this shows 52 cookie entries currently. Another way I have done it in the past is by entering "chrome://settings/content/all" on the address bar. With the current version of Vivaldi (v6.4.3160.34), this no longer works. There is nothing at all [...]
Problem with cache, or cookies?
Hi, so from time to time Im using network in my work(shared for us), but its WiFi, with accounts, and traffic is going through some server, with blocking list. So if I try to open blocked page via wifi, it's giving information, about acces denied. And when I connect to mobile internet, and try to [...]
is there any reason why with settings "accept all cookies" for both standard ones and 3rd party, site gets blocked? I even ERASED ALL MY COOKIES for troubleshooting, but site still popups "1 cookie got blocked" and it won't load without them
I migrated from Win 7 to Win 11 recently and missed the feature in up-to-date version of Vivaldi (6.5.3206.53) - managing individual cookies via Site Info panel. Previously I could select Site Info -> Cookies and data -> selecting domain -> delete only specific cookie. Now looks like Vivaldi allow me only delete all cookies [...]
Is there a way to whitelist cookies for certain sites in the mobile app? I'm hoping to replace DuckDuckGo as my default browser, but I need some sites to stay logged in permanently. I make use of the "Fireproof" option in DDG to protect certain sites, since I have it close tabs and delete data [...]
I want to allow all cookies, but then have Vivaldi delete them all whenever I close the browser. This is what "Session-only" option does, correct? And how do I add exceptions to this list, if I want to keep cookies from certain websites?
Some Cookies cannot be manually deleted.
I regularly delete cookies from Vivaldi using the Settings / Privacy and Security / Cookies / Saved Cookies interface. Up until recently, I had no problems doing so, but in the last few days I have noticed that there are some cookies that cannot be individually deleted. Clicking on the delete (x) button, or the [...]