Search results: sync

Windows Panel

Desktop browser / Tabs and Windows

Vivaldi’s Windows Panel offers an easy way to manage multiple tabs at once. Opening to the side of your main browser window, the Window Panel will give you a tree-style view of all the open Tabs in all your open Windows. Access the Windows Panel Use one of the following options to open the Windows […]

Tabs on Android

Android browser / Browsing the Web

Managing all your tabs in the mobile version of Vivaldi is as easy and efficient as on desktop. Tab Switcher To view your Tabs in the Tab Switcher, either: The number in the Tab Switcher button indicates, how many open Tabs and Tab Stacks you have. Slide left to view Private Tabs, Synced Tabs and […]

Address Field

Desktop browser / Navigation

Address Field is a section on the Address Bar where you can see the URL of the page you’re currently on. There you can enter a new web page link to navigate to the website or a search term to see search results. But the Address Field in Vivaldi has a lot more to offer. […]


Desktop browser / Tools

Use Settings to customise the look of the browser, log in to your Vivaldi account to synchronise your browser data, review privacy settings and much more. Accessing Vivaldi Settings There are multiple ways to access Settings in Vivaldi: Click the Settings  button on the bottom of the side Panel; Open the Vivaldi Menu > Settings; […]

Is it possible to NOT sync the selected theme? And should Search Engines sync?


I use two different devices, a Windows laptop and a Mac laptop. I am fine with almost everything synchronizing, but I want to use different theme settings on both devices. It seems like there is no way to exclude Themes from the sync, there's just a generic option for "Settings." I do still want other [...]

By bradenmcg

Guide | How to use Sync feature? [Windows] [Sync ALL data]


Here is a guide for: Sync. Hope you enjoy! ONLY FOR WINDOWS BROWSER! How do you Sync your Vivaldi browser? Well, in this forum post, this is how! Enter your Vivaldi browser. Now, first off - like always - open your actual browser. Go to your settings You must go to your settings to Sync [...]

By Vivaldiscool

Vivaldi 6.5 history sync does not sync entire history

Vivaldi for Windows

I'm fascinated by the usability of Vivaldi, its performance, reliability, customization and privacy features. Latest version (6.5) was announced to support full browser history sync across devices. Visiting the same webpage on the other desktop device does not show visited links from the first device by changing their colour.

By drkalo

(BUG) Sync on another device is showing same device twice and not syncing real-time.


(BUG) Sync on another device is showing same device twice and not syncing real-time. Got an update yesterday but since last 3 updates this bug is there.

By LoneRanger12

(BUG) Long time cross platform sync issue, always shows this and never sync in real time.


(BUG) Long time cross platform sync issue, always shows this and never sync in real time. Not limited to desktop but same on mobile.

By LoneRanger12

Sync of Themes?

Vivaldi for Windows

Should one expect the synchronisation of Themes to work or do I have to download and implement them manually on my second windows computer?

By SecCon

sync server


Can/How can I build my own sync server? ——Due to some irresistible network connection issues

By Aaron

Sync Password

Vivaldi for Windows

I had to reinstall my browser because of a malware i just got into my pc... But when i finished installing it, i had to enter the syncronization password which i totally forgot, is there another way i can recover that password without deleting all the bookmarks i had there?? i had like a 10000 [...]

By Tovareno

Sync and tabs

Vivaldi for Windows

Tabs should be included in sync, just a suggestion if it is doable. Thanks

By loudermp

sync fail again

Vivaldi for Windows

tried setting up vivaldi sync between 2 win10 computers (won't really stress it by adding a 3rd computer). shows successful uploads and downloads on both computers. click on little cloud in taskbar: nothing happens. another vivaldi sync failure. I've tried it several times over the years. Never found it to work correctly. in the past [...]

By astro46