Forum Settings

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To customise your Forum preferences:

  1. Click on your avatar in the top right corner of the Forum;
  2. Select Settings from the menu.

You can edit the following settings:

  • Forum homepage;
  • Privacy
    • Show or hide your name,
    • Allow messages from everyone or only users you follow;
  • Browsing Settings
    • Decide, how to open outgoing links,
    • Enable/disable in-topic search,
    • Enable/disable showing the new post after replying;
  • Pagination
    • Choose between infinite scroll or topic and post pagination
    • In case you’ve chosen paginating topics and posts, decide, how many should be shown per page.
  • Emails
    • Subscribe to email updates for the Forum (new notifications and topics) according to a set schedule;
  • Language
    • Change the language of the Forum interface;
  • Watching topics
    • Enable automatic watching of topics you create and reply to,
    • Change the default category watch state;
  • Notifications
    • Choose what kind of notifications you want to receive (e.g. when someone upvotes your post or mentions you in their post)
    • And how you want to receive the notification (e.g. just a forum notification or an email notification)

Remember to Save any changes you make.