Address Field in Vivaldi on Android

Address Field is a section on the Address Bar where you can see the URL of the page you’re currently on. There you can enter a new web page link to navigate to the website or a search term to see search results. But the Address Field in Vivaldi has a lot more to offer. Continue reading to learn all about the Address Field.

On the Address Field you’ll find:

  •  Site Info and Content blocker – check your connection security and access Site Settings, as well as change the tracker and ad blocking level for the website.
  • Address and Search field – type in the link you want to visit or a search term you want to look up.
  •  Reload – if you’ve scrolled too far down and swiping down to reload isn’t reasonable, you can tap on the Reload button.

Address Field settings

To move the Address Bar to the bottom of the screen together with the Tab Bar:

  1. Go to Vivaldi menu button Vivaldi menu > Settings > Tabs.
  2. Toggle on/off Address Bar At Bottom.

Address Field Options

  • Show X for removing suggestions – To remove irrelevant suggestions in the drop-down menu you can long-press on an entry and tap OK in the confirmation dialog. Alternatively, you can enable Show X for removing suggestions in Settings > Address Bar > Address Field Options to show an X button next to suggestions that can be hidden.
  • Allow Search Suggestions – When enabled in Settings > Address Bar > Address Field Options, you’ll get search suggestions in the drop-down menu as soon as you start typing in a search query. It’s a convenient feature, but has privacy implications. You can read more on our Team Blog.

Address Field Priorities

In Settings > Address Bar > Address Field Priorities, you can decide whether you see suggestions as you type in the Address Field from your browsing History, Bookmarks, and Direct Match.