Vivaldi Web Panels for Web Developers

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Products: Vivaldi for desktop.

Web Panels is a special type of persistent tab that users can add to their side panel in Vivaldi.

A Web Panel loads a user-supplied URL in a narrow column in the side panel. Web Panels load with a mobile User-Agent to match their narrow mobile-like viewport. Documents and web apps optimized for mobile devices should perform well as Web Panels.

Web Panels can communicate numeric status information through Tab Notifications, and other status information by dynamically updating their tab icons (“favicon”).

Potentially disruptive dialog-driven APIs, such as alert() and prompt(), are unavailable.

Web Panels run in a shared context with regular tabs. Web Panels cannot prompt the user for new permissions, but share granted permissions that have already been granted to their origin in a regular tab.

More powerful and integrated Panel experiences can be created using the chrome.sidePanel API, available to extensions.