How to uninstall Vivaldi
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This guide will explain how you can remove Vivaldi from your computer. Choose which operating system you are using and follow the appropriate steps below.
Windows XP
- Close all Vivaldi Tabs and Windows.
- Click Windows’ Start menu > Control Panel.
- Click Add or Remove Programs.
- Click Vivaldi.
- Click Change/Remove to uninstall Vivaldi.
Windows Vista, 7 & 8
- Close all Vivaldi Tabs and Windows.
- Open the Start Menu:
- Windows 7 & Vista: Click the Start menu > Control Panel > Programs.
- Windows 8: Open the Charms bar by moving your mouse to the right hand corners of the screen. Then click Settings > Control Panel.
- Click Uninstall a program or Programs and Features.
- Select Vivaldi.
- Click Uninstall.
- Confirm that you want to uninstall by clicking on the Yes button.
Windows 10
- Close all Vivaldi Tabs and Windows.
- Open Windows’ Start menu and then go to Settings > Apps.
- Select Apps & Features from the left panel.
- Select Vivaldi and then click the Uninstall button that appears.
- Click the Uninstall pop-up button to confirm.
If you have issues uninstalling Vivaldi while using Windows 10, check out a more in-depth tutorial here.
Silent uninstall on Windows
For a silent uninstall of the browser add --uninstall --vivaldi --force-uninstall
after \Installer\setup.exe
* to run the uninstall command.
* Locate the full path in Vivaldi’s Application folder.
- While using Vivaldi, open
Vivaldi menu > Help > About. Or type vivaldi://about to the address field.
- Make a note of the Profile Path, minus Default.
- Open Files and search for the Vivaldi folder following the path you noted above.
- Quit Vivaldi.
- Delete the entire Vivaldi folder.
To uninstall Vivaldi on Android, check the Help Page here.