Tab Selection

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Tab selection can be used to perform actions against a group of Tabs, such as Stacking, Tiling, Bookmarking, Pinning, etc.

There are 4 different ways to select tabs in Vivaldi:

Mouse + modifier key

Hold down the Shift key to select multiple tabs in a row or Ctrl/ key to  select tabs that aren’t necessarily next to each other.

Quick Commands

Open Quick Commands (F2/⌘ E) and start typing either: Select Previous Tab, Select Next Tab, Select Related Tabs or Deselect Tabs to execute the command.

Selecting tabs with Quick Commands

Keyboard Shortcuts

In Settings > Keyboard > Tabs you can configure new Keyboard Shortcuts for selecting and deselecting tabs.

Mouse Gestures

If you prefer Mouse Gestures, create gestures for tab selection in Settings > Mouse > Gesture Mapping.