Locked Vivaldi account
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With your Vivaldi account you can use the following services:
- Vivaldi Forum
- Vivaldi Social
- Vivaldi’s free (and ad-free) blogging platform;
- Vivaldi’s Sync functionality
- Vivaldi Themes
- Vivaldi Webmail
When you’ve tried logging in and it fails with an error message saying that the account is locked, these could be the reasons.
Account hasn’t been activated
Before logging in for the first time, you need to activate the account with a code from an email we sent to the email address you gave as the recovery email during registration.
Please check your mailbox (including the Spam folder) for the email and activate the account. Then try logging in again.
In case the code has expired or you can’t find the email, send yourself a new account activation email.
If you know you made a typo in the recovery email or gave an invalid email address, please reach out to us using the contact form at the end of this article.
Vivaldi Webmail
Vivaldi Webmail is a service for active Vivaldi Community members using Vivaldi’s services. This means that new users, who registered their account after 4th of May 2023, and users who registered between October 2019 and May 2023, but never verified their phone number, first need to build up a reputation to be granted access to the Webmail service.
The reputation system is replacing the previous requirement to verify an account via one’s phone, that was set up to limit the number of spam accounts. For additional information, read our blog post on the topic.
Used the wrong password too many times
In case you’ve forgotten your password and have tried logging in with the wrong password at least 5 times, the account will get locked for 5 minutes as a security measure. When the 5 minutes have passed, reset the login password to access your account again.
Account got locked for breaking Vivaldi’s Terms of Use
When you’re breaking Vivaldi’s Terms of Use on any of our services, the whole account will be locked and logging in to Vivaldi services will no longer be possible. Some blocking, for example due to misbehaviour on the Forum, is done manually by Forum admins and moderators. Other, such as spamming in Webmail, is mostly done automatically by our antispam filters.
If you feel this blocking has been done in error, please reach out to us and explain what happened. We’ll look into the issue.
Need help with your Vivaldi account?