Status Bar
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What’s on the Status Bar?
Vivaldi’s Status Bar is located at the bottom of Vivaldi’s window allowing you to:

Show or hide Panel bar. Ctrl + click to toggle on/off floating panel.
Turn Break Mode on/off.
Shortcut to Sync.
Check Mail status for latest messages, accounts connection status’ and logs.
Check Calendar status for upcoming events, accounts’ connection status’ and logs.
- See the current status of the web page. For example: “Processing request”, “Waiting for”, “Connecting”, “Establishing secure connection”.
If you hover over links on web pages, the URL behind the link will be displayed on the Status Bar. Take a screenshot of the web page with page Capture.
View multiple tabs side by side in the same window with Tab Tiling.
Choose whether images are to be visible in web pages or not or if only cached images are to be shown. Also, decide whether to loop animations, play them just once or never.
Page actions provides web-page specific features.
- Set the Page Zoom by using the Page zoom slider. Switch to range buttons in Settings > Appearance > Window Appearance > Use Buttons in Range Controls.
- Start countdowns, set alarms or just check the time from the Status Bar Clock.
Customise the Status Bar
To move buttons on the Status Bar, hold down the Ctrl / ⌘ key and drag the button to a different location. Alternatively, open the Toolbar Editor and rearrange, add and remove buttons without using the modifier key then.
All buttons on the Status Bar can be removed by right clicking on the button > Edit > Remove From Toolbar.
To reset the changes right click on a button > Edit > Reset Toolbar to Default. In case you’ve removed all of the buttons, go to Settings > Appearance > Window Appearance > Toolbar Customization > Reset Status Bar.
Hide the Status Bar
To hide the Status Bar or display it again:
- Go to Settings > Appearance > Status Bar to decide whether to:
- Always show the Status Bar;
- Only show status info overlay;
- Hide it completely.
- Go to
Vivaldi Menu > View > Show Status Bar.
- Type “Status Bar” in Quick Commands.
- Use the Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl+Shift+S / ⌘ / to toggle the visibility.
- Create a Mouse Gesture for the action.