Opening and Closing Tabs
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In Vivaldi, you can decide how you’d like to open, close and how to reopen recently closed Tabs. This article lists the options available to you.

Opening Tabs
There are several ways to open a new Tab:
- Click the
New Tab button on the Tab Bar;
- Go to
Vivaldi menu > File > New Tab;
- Type “New Tab” in Quick Commands;
- Use the Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl+T on Windows and Linux, or ⌘ T on macOS;
- Perform the New Tab Mouse Gesture: Right-click + Swipe down.
- With a vertically placed Tab Bar, double-click on an empty area on the Tab Bar.
To open links in new Tabs:
- Hold down the Shift key, while clicking a link;
- Select Open in New Tab from the right-click context menu;
- Perform the Open Link in New Tab (Over a Link) Mouse Gesture: right-click + swipe down.
- Hover the mouse cursor over a link on a web page, click and hold down the left mouse button and start dragging vertically. Then, while holding down the left mouse button, move the mouse to hover over
Open a new tab button on the Tab Bar. On releasing the mouse, a new tab will open with the link.
In case you’ve disabled Allow Text Selection in Links in Settings > Webpages, you can start dragging the link in any direction.
There are also several ways to open a link in a new Background Tab:
- Hold down the Ctrl/⌘ key while clicking a link;
- Right-click a link and select Open Link in Background Tab from the context menu;
- Click a link with the middle mouse button;
- Perform the Open Link in Background Tab (Over a Link) Mouse Gesture: Right-click + Swipe down and up.
If you enable New Tab from Link Opens in Background in Settings > Tabs > New Tab Position, links from Bookmarks and History will open in the background by default. Also, when enabled, selecting Open Link in New Tab from the right-click context menu or cloning a tab will open a new tab in the background instead of foreground.
Open previous/next page in a new Tab
To open the previously visited page or the page you’ve navigated back from in a new Tab, hold down the Ctrl/⌘ key and click on the Back button to open the previous link or the
Forward button to open the next link.
To open a link further back/forward in the Tab history in a new Tab right-click on the Back or
Forward button and while holding down the Ctrl/⌘ or Shift key click on an item on the list.
Closing Tabs
To close a Tab:
- Click
Close button that appears when hovering your mouse pointer over the Tab;
- Right-click on a Tab and select Close Tab;
- Go to
Vivaldi menu > File > Close Tab;
- Use the Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl+W/⌘ W to close the active Tab;
- Perform the Close Tab Mouse Gesture: Right-click + draw an L shape.
- Type “Close Tab” in Quick Commands.
- Double click on the Tab. Enable the option in Settings > Tabs > Tab Handling.
- Middle mouse button click on the Tab.
Close multiple Tabs:
- Select the Tabs you wish to close using the Shift or Ctrl/⌘ key and select Close # Tabs from the right-click context menu;
- Alternatively, select the Tabs you want to keep open using the Shift or Ctrl/⌘ key and select Close Other (# Unselected Tabs) from the right-click context menu.
Or right-click a Tab and select, whether to:
- Close Tabs to the right;
- Close Tabs to the left;
- Close all other Tabs (alternatively: Alt + click on active Tab’s close button).
Tab closing confirmation
To prevent accidental closing of multiple tabs, a confirmation dialog will be displayed when you try to close more tabs than specified in Settings > Tabs > Tab Handling > Confirm Closing Tabs over Maximum of #. The default value is set to 10, but you can set your own limit.
You can disable the confirmation dialog in Tab Settings or by clicking the box Do not ask again in the dialog.
Reopening recently closed Tabs
The Closed Tabs button, located at the far end of the Tab Bar and in the Window Panel, contains a list of previously closed Tabs and Windows within the latest session.
To reopen a Tab, open the Closed Tabs menu and click on the Tab or Window you want to reopen. To quickly open the latest tab you’ve closed, on the Tab Bar, middle mouse button click directly on the
Closed Tabs button.
It’s also a good place to look for your Tabs and Windows if, for some reason, the browser didn’t open with your previous session (after a crash for example). Please note that multiple browser restarts will erase the Closed Tabs history.
For a complete overview of visited pages, visit History by:
- Going to
Vivaldi menu > Tools > History menu;
- Clicking History on the top menu on the Start Page;
- Typing “History” in Quick Commands;
- Using the Keyboard Shortcut CTRL+H / ⌘ Y.